In Reckertshausen, MaxSolar has built one of the most innovative communal solar parks in the immediate vicinity of the town of Hofheim in the district of Hassberge and was awarded the TOP100 Innovation Company 2022 prize for it.
On a total of around 12.8 hectares, two open-air photovoltaic systems with a total output of 10.3 MW generate green electricity in Reckertshausen. When construction is completed, a total of 23,000 high-performance modules will have been installed. With the electricity from both plants, around 2,600 households in the region can be supplied with green electricity. The fully integrated battery storage units for solar power storage are particularly innovative. The electricity storage systems ensure that the plants can produce continuously even when demand for electricity is low (e.g. at weekends). At the same time, the storage system relieves the electricity grid and thus reduces grid expansion costs for grid operators.
MaxSolar uses low-yield agricultural land for CO2-free generation of green electricity while at the same time relieving the power grid through solar power storage. For 2023, MaxSolar has won the award a second time. This year, the application received, among other things, the new Energy Partners business model. With this innovative energy concept, MaxSolar not only creates an attractive solution for customers for green energy without their own investment, but also enables a risk-free transition to renewable energies.
Schmidhamer Str. 22
83278 Traunstein
Innerlohener Str. 10
83355 Grabenstätt
Friedensallee 120
22763 Hamburg
Dornacher Str. 3
85622 Feldkirchen
Hauptstraße 98-99
10827 Berlin
Edhof 7
84332 Hebertsfelden