Windräder stehen auf einer Anhöhe und werden von der untergehenden Sonne angestrahlt.

Wind power

Onshore wind power

Alongside photovoltaics, wind turbines are one of the cheapest forms of energy generation and a key pillar of the energy transition. The combination of wind energy and photovoltaics ensures a steady increase in the supply of electricity from renewable energies. 

From identifying suitable locations to commissioning
Project development wind

As a project developer in the field of renewable energies, our mission is to utilise the potential energy from wind and sun efficiently and responsibly. Wind farms are not only technological masterpieces, but also sustainable, future-orientated solutions for energy generation. Through careful site selection and technical innovation, we develop wind energy projects that are not only sustainably green, but also economically viable, as wind turbines are one of the cheapest forms of energy generation alongside photovoltaics and a key pillar of the energy transition. When developing wind farms, we always keep an eye on emissions, such as noise and shadow flicker, to ensure that the operation of the turbines has as little impact as possible on the surrounding area.

Our work helps to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and make a positive contribution to climate change. With every wind energy project, we are driving the transformation towards a more sustainable energy future and shaping a world in which clean and reliable energy is available to all.

Wind turbines utilise the kinetic energy of air currents and convert this into usable, emission-free energy using rotors and electrical generators. High average wind speeds and the size of the rotor surface are crucial for a high electricity yield. As the height above the ground increases, the wind blows stronger and more evenly, which means that the higher the wind turbine and the longer the rotor blades, the better the turbine can utilise the wind potential. The so-called wind power density is then used to determine how much power the wind provides for the utilisation of wind turbines when it flows through the rotor. Consequently, the construction of an onshore wind turbine is worthwhile wherever the so-called wind power density is high enough for economic operation.

To ensure the sustainable use of renewable energies and promote local value creation and citizen participation in the energy transition, we maintain close partnerships with regional citizen energy cooperatives.

With MaxSolar, you gain a reliable partner for holistic energy supply solutions, because we accompany you from the search for a location to the necessary authorisations to the turnkey handover of the wind farm.

Customised projects
Wind energy solutions for municipalities and landowners
  • Municipalities
    Wind farms contribute to strengthening the locations where they are erected in various ways: They support local climate protection initiatives, revitalise the local economy and generate additional income for the municipality.

  • Landowner
    Forest areas and agricultural land often offer ideal conditions for the installation of wind turbines. Our priority is to preserve the natural environment in the best possible way and to take appropriate measures to protect the environment. Before starting a project, we carry out a thorough site analysis, taking all relevant factors into account. In this way, we ensure that each project is planned and realised on a solid basis. 

Find out whether your area is suitable for the utilisation of wind energy and let us advise you on the next steps on your path to wind power.

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