Storage systems

Storing green energy

Storage solutions are the key to stable and efficient utilisation of renewable energies.

Utilise your solar energy - independently and predictably
Storage systems

Storing energy from clean and renewable sources is crucial to ensure a continuous power supply.

Electricity storage facilities play a central role in the renewable energy sector by capturing surplus energy and making it available to consumers at times when generation rates are lower.

There are several reasons to temporarily store green electricity using storage facilities:

  • Independence from electricity prices:
    Storing surplus energy reduces dependence on rising electricity prices.
  • Security of power supply:
    Storage systems guarantee a continuous supply, even with fluctuating energy generation.
  • Continuous use of clean energy:
    Stored solar power can also be used when solar radiation is low, for example in the evening or at night.
  • Efficient utilisation of energy surpluses:
    Surplus electricity can be fed into the grid or used at a later date to benefit from price fluctuations on the energy market.
  • Grid stability:
    Renewable energies such as solar and wind are unpredictable. Storage systems capture surplus energy when production is high and release it when production drops. This stabilises the grid and balances out fluctuations.

Insgesamt spielen Stromspeicheranlagen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Integration von Erneuerbaren Energien in das Stromnetz und tragen wesentlich zur Sicherstellung einer nachhaltigen und zuverlässigen Energieversorgung bei. 

Solar park with battery storage
Innovation project Reckertshausen

Output: 10 MW

Year of construction: 2022


  • Integrated battery storage capacity of 7.21 MWh for solar power storage
  • Total output of around 10.3 MWp (approx. 23,000 high-performance modules)
  • Supply around 2,600 households in the region with green electricity
  • PV park with equalisation areas of 13 hectares
  • Private sale of the electricity generated (PPA)
  • Biodiversity through species-rich flora and fauna