New regulations, standards or legal requirements are constantly being added – it's no surprise that you can easily lose track of this. That is why we are happy to assist you as experts for photovoltaic assessments. Our experts are always up to date with the latest technology and specialise in the following areas: Prevention is better than cure! Ensure from the outset that your PV system is completed free of defects and thus avoid annoying disputes about subsequent improvements.
Many deficiencies or faulty planning are hardly recognisable to the untrained observer and only show their devastating consequences months or years after the acceptance of the plant. In most cases, it is already too late – the damage is done, warranty or guarantee periods have already expired or, in the worst case, the installation company is already insolvent.
With professional construction supervision, you can proactively identify planning or construction errors and have them eliminated during the construction process. The expert assessment of the photovoltaic system by a third, independent party before acceptance provides clarity about the quality of your investment and in dealing with the installation company.
Using the most modern measuring methods, we find the reason for your underperformance and develop your individual remediation concept with our photovoltaic expertise.
Common problems are, for example:
With a well-founded photovoltaic expert opinion on the condition of your system, you secure a solid negotiating position in disputes with your installation company, your insurance company or the component manufacturer.
In addition to the mere ascertainment of the damage, we also advise you on the enforcement of your claims and, above all, help you with our photovoltaic experts, particularly with the final resolution of the problem.
An investment in photovoltaics will play a significant role in our sustainable energy future. Scientific studies examine the role of photovoltaics on the path to climate neutrality on the basis of the latest facts, figures and findings. We support these projects with our expertise from over 10 years of experience in the realisation of photovoltaic projects.