Fernwärmeleitungen liegen in der dafür vorgesehen Vertiefung im Boden.


From electricity to heat

Around half of the energy consumption in Germany is used to heat buildings and provide hot water. The majority is still powered by natural gas, oil and other fuels, all of which release climate-damaging CO2. These fossil fuels must be replaced and heating with renewable energies, for example in district heating, must be established. In order to succeed, we need to think in a new way.

Regenerative heating systems

Thinking in a new way means for us: we rely on regenerative heating systems for district heating and we will heat with renewable energy in the future. A CO2-free energy that comes from photovoltaic plants, wind turbines and storage facilities. Waste heat and natural geothermal energy are another important component for a district heating system to generate CO2-neutral heat.

The advantage of expanding renewable heat from green energy are

  • reduced emissions
  • more independence on energy imports
  • adjusted energy prices by local operators

Global warming and its consequences can no longer be ignored. We must significantly reduce CO2 emissions and promote heating with renewable energies!

It is particularly important for the building sector to strive for a climate-neutral heat supply. This can be achieved by greatly reducing heat demand and covering the remaining heat with renewable heating systems using green concepts in district heating.

District heating refers to the supply of heat and hot water to buildings from central systems. Heated water is led from the producer, usually a combined heat and power plant, directly to the connected buildings via insulated pipe systems. With the help of a heat exchanger, the heat is transferred to the consumer's heating network in the house transfer station, but the water from the district heating pipe is not transferred.


The starting point for the generation of green energy is often the following renewable energy generation facilities:

  • large-scale photovoltaic parks 
  • wind power plants
  • and others

These are also other heat carriers such as:

  • Biomass plants
  • geothermal energy 
  • Unavoidablewaste heat

All of this together provide the building blocks that we use for regenerative or CO2-neutral heating of buildings.

How we use and convert the available energy sources depends on the local conditions. Sustainable district heating networks are often possible and economically viable, for example to generate heat from "green" electricity. For this purpose, water is heated using electricity from renewable energy sources, for example, and fed into the district heating network. The heat is transferred to the connected households via heat exchangers.

We focus on

  • smaller municipalities
  • municipalities and
  • associations of municipalities with up to 10,000 inhabitants that do not have their own municipal utilities

We support you in the creation of heat plans, which have been stipulated by the legislator in the Heat Planning Act for municipalities under 100,000 PE by 2028. In addition, we prepare feasibility studies and thus examine in detail the possibilities of a heating project in the respective municipality or community.

As an engineering service provider, we plan the way to reduce CO2 emissions, we advise local authorities, municipalities and municipal associations that do not have their own municipal utilities and in future we want to implement turnkey district heating projects as a general contractor. Support during the construction phase and operation of the district heating network is a goal to be pursued under suitable conditions.

Switching from fossil energy sources to district heating and thus to climate-neutral heating systems is a sensible option in view of global warming and also economically. This means a significant increase in the value of properties, a reduction in CO2 emissions and independence from international fossil fuel prices.

The most important advantages of district heating:

  • Excellent ecological balance:
    The use of this energy form protects environmental resources. 
  • Highest security:
    No fossil fuels, i.e. no combustion processes take place in the building.
  • Transparent pricing:
    Pricing and billing for district heating customers is clear and comprehensible thanks to local energy production and regional operators.
  • Legal compliance through the use of district heating:
    The district heating companies already fully meet the legal requirements of the German Energy Act for Buildings (GEG) with regard to renewable energies for building modernizations and new buildings.
  • Regional product and independence from fossil fuels:
    District heating means regional heat generation and is considered as economically viable. It also supports the independence from fossil fuels such as oil or gas.
  • Space-saving and profitable for customers:
    The switch to district heating creates considerably more space in consumers' boiler rooms. Unlike fire-powered systems, there is no need for a separate heating system or storage space for fuel. Due to the small space requirement of the heat transfer station, the space gained can be used for living or utility rooms in new buildings. Additional costs for a maintenance contract, a chimney sweep and a chimney are no longer necessary. Provisions for new heating systems are also a thing of the past.

Sustainable, regional, citizen-owned

We work throughout Germany, but we always think regionally and want the economic power and the income from business taxes to remain in the region. That's why we encourage communities and residents to establish local cooperatives that will own and operate renewable energy and heat generation in the future.

Municipal heat planning and feasibility study

Municipal heat supply with climate-friendly heat networks from renewable energy sources has many advantages for municipalities, the local environment and private households.

Important building block: municipal heat planning

Legislation requires "municipal heat planning" from 01.01.2024. By the end of 2028, every municipality with a population of up to 10,000 is obliged to carry out corresponding procedures and draw up plans. The expected heat demand must be analyzed and the local possibilities for using renewable energy sources and waste heat must be determined. This creates planning security for the construction, conversion and expansion of heating networks.

Municipal district heating transition with MaxSolar

We look forward to working with you to advance the energy and heating transition. Our comprehensive municipal heating planning and detailed feasibility study form the foundation for promoting your district heating project. With the experience and expertise of our team, we will make your vision a success.

Components of our feasibility studies:

  • Determination of heat demand
    The heat demand of the buildings / end customers to be connected is determined by means of careful data evaluation.
  • Determination of renewable energies and waste heat potential
    Identification of the potential of renewable energies and waste heat sources in order to use sustainable heat sources.
  • Target analysis of the heat network 
    Planning and calculation of the required dimensioning of your heat network, including network planning and calculation.
  • Cost framework
    Development of profitability and financing concepts to ensure the feasibility of your project. 
  • Greenhouse gas neutrality szenarios
    Timetable for implementing the outlined supply concept.
  • Preliminary planning
    Sketch of the route and assessment of the location of the heating center.
  • Economic analysis
    Detailed analysis of all economic aspects of your project over a 30-year period.
  • Determining the eligibility for approval
    Tabular presentation of the necessary approvals for heat generators, sources and routes.
  • Summary and conclusion
    Clear and concise summary of the results of our planning services for your project.
District heating process
In 8 steps to district heating