

MaxSolar GmbH
Schmidhamer Strasse 22
83278 Traunstein

Tel.: +49 861 2097090
Fax: +49 861 2090929
E-Mail: info(at)maxsolar.de
Website: www.maxsolar.de

Managing Director: Christoph Strasser

Registered Office: Traunstein

Registry Court: District Court of Traunstein

Commercial Register Number: HRB 19235

VAT Identification Number pursuant to Section 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (UstG): DE265872202

Registration Number pursuant to the German Electrical Equipment Act (ElektroG): WEEE Reg. No. DE 16466936

Responsible for content:

Christoph Strasser (address as above)

Dispute resolution:

We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings under the German Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (VSBG).


Spreadfilms GmbH
 Die Werbeagentur
Stefanie Winkler

Concept, text, design & programming

HOCHZWEI – büro für visuelle kommunikation gmbh & co. kg

Fördepromenade 16-18 - Sonwik
24944 Flensburg
E-Mail: info@hoch2.de
Internet: www.hochzwei.de