As a renewable energy company, we make an active contribution to a better world that remains liveable for future generations. Our highly motivated and competent employees develop sustainable and innovative concepts and solutions for an integrated, secure and self-sufficient energy supply from 100% renewable energies.
For your career, this means: you can work with us in one of the most innovative and successful companies for renewable energies. MaxSolar aims to set benchmarks and standards for the entire industry and make a significant contribution to climate protection.
We transform innovative ideas into green concepts and create solutions for clean energy production.
We act as a highly motivated team and want to achieve sustainable economic success.
An emission-free and self-sufficient energy supply for society and the economy is the focus of our actions.
At MaxSolar as an employer and renewable energy company, you make an important social contribution to the energy transition in our country. You are part of a qualified and talented team that draws its daily motivation both from the social necessity for change, but also from the great economic opportunities for us as a company.
Schmidhamer Str. 22
83278 Traunstein
Innerlohener Str. 10
83355 Grabenstätt
Friedensallee 120
22763 Hamburg
Dornacher Str. 3
85622 Feldkirchen
Hauptstraße 98-99
10827 Berlin
Edhof 7
84332 Hebertsfelden