10 AC and 2 DC charging points publicly accessible

Largest loading park in the district

6 Charging stations
6 Charging stations

On 22 October 2020, the currently largest charging park for electric cars in Traunstein was officially put into operation. Numerous representatives from politics and business attended the press event. First and foremost the member of the Bundestag Dr Bärbel Kofler. The charging park is located on the premises of maxsolar in Wolkersdorf (Schmidhamer Str. 22), which built the park with its charging infrastructure division esolution by maxsolar for the citizens' energy cooperative InnSalzach eG. The ten AC and two DC charging points  are open to the public. Fuelling and payment is made using an RFID chip card or one of the common service apps. The location and availability of the charging points are shown to drivers on their smartphone display. The charging points are powered by electricity from renewable energy sources.

The switch to e-mobility is one of the pillars of the energy transition. In order to convince the population of the suitability of e-cars for everyday use, the most comprehensive charging infrastructure possible is required. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is supporting electromobility with extensive funding activities. The aim is to make the transport sector more energy-efficient, climate-friendly and environmentally friendly. To achieve this, electric mobility must be competitively established on the market. In addition to extensive subsidies for public charging infrastructure, from 24 November it will also be possible to apply for grants (up to 900 euros) from federal funds to set up a charging station for electric cars in residential buildings that are not accessible to the public. Prerequisite: The charging station must be operated with green electricity.

On 22 October 2020, the currently largest charging park for electric cars in Traunstein was officially put into operation. Numerous representatives from politics and business attended the press event. First and foremost the member of the Bundestag Dr Bärbel Kofler. The charging park is located on the premises of maxsolar in Wolkersdorf (Schmidhamer Str. 22), which built the park with its charging infrastructure division esolution by maxsolar for the citizens' energy cooperative InnSalzach eG. The ten AC and two DC charging points  are open to the public. Fuelling and payment is made using an RFID chip card or one of the common service apps. The location and availability of the charging points are shown to drivers on their smartphone display. The charging points are powered by electricity from renewable energy sources.

The switch to e-mobility is one of the pillars of the energy transition. In order to convince the population of the suitability of e-cars for everyday use, the most comprehensive charging infrastructure possible is required. The Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure is supporting electromobility with extensive funding activities. The aim is to make the transport sector more energy-efficient, climate-friendly and environmentally friendly. To achieve this, electric mobility must be competitively established on the market. In addition to extensive subsidies for public charging infrastructure, from 24 November it will also be possible to apply for grants (up to 900 euros) from federal funds to set up a charging station for electric cars in residential buildings that are not accessible to the public. Prerequisite: The charging station must be operated with green electricity.